I love this piece, and I love the way Hugh Laurie does it!
Unfortunately you might have to endure some advertising before the video plays, but the wait is worth it!
But you know what is really, really cool? Having a best mate who just so happens to be a Dr of music, a complete wizard on a piano, and a Boogie Woogie piano teacher!
Within minutes of asking Dr John ‘Boogie Woogie’ Branton to ‘pen and audio’ the bass riff for me, he sent me back this:
- Swanee River Boogie Woogie Piano Left Hand
We’re going to be adding some more lessons on Swanee River in our free members area, and don’t forget you can get instant access to the first 3 boogie woogie piano video tutorials by popping your details in on our homepage at www.playboogiewoogiepiano.com
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